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Secret Movie Club Presents: Evil Dead 2

Secret Movie Club: Evil Dead 2

October 31, 2021

Evil Dead 2 (12:30 AM) / Showtime

The Million Dollar Theater / Location


Our Halloween-o-thon October culminates in a Halloween-o-thon Extravaganza October 30-31st, 2021 at the Million Dollar Theater.

You can buy tickets to 1 or 2 events or you can get an All-Day Pass for all 6 movies!

After our screening of John Carpenter's original HALLOWEEN, we gotta end with a horror-comedy classic. And so we do with Sam Raimi's EVIL DEAD 2.

Bruce Campbell reprises his role as Ash in what can only be described as a sort of sequel/re-make(!!)/re-imagining of the first EVIL DEAD.

Armed with a bigger budget and experience, Campbell acts the hell out of Ash and Raimi directs the hell out of the movie to create a gonzo horror-comedy near avant garde masterpiece of laughs, gross out thrills, crazy set-pieces all done with pre-CGI practical makeup and special effects.

Campbell is pitch perfect as the slightly vain, cool, swaggering, beset upon by demons Ash. And Raimi is clearly having a blast making the camera and editing and effects do things most mortal directors could never achieve.

So let's go out with a bang. . .or better a rip of the chainsaw chord we've just attached to our severed stump of a hand as we close out the Halloween-o-thon with an all time classic.


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