LOCATION: The Million Dollar Theater Movie Palace, 307 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Saving Private Ryan (11AM)
Thin Red Line (2:30PM)
*Please note audience members who purchase tickets for BOTH FEATURES can purchase an all-day pass and park at the Grand Central Market Parking Garage (corner of 3rd & S. Hill Street). Please purchase a $6 all day parking passes via our ADD-ONS. We will hand you your parking pass at the screening.
**We will open doors 1 HOUR before each screening time so audience can have plenty of time to enter, maintain 6 feet of distance, pick up or buy concessions/drink, and get their seats. We will have staff who will help guide and direct audience to their seats.
Audience staying for both features will be given RESERVED SEATS that will be good the entire day.
11am SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (1998, dir by Steven Spielberg, Paramount, 170mns, 35MM)
3pm WAR OF THE WORLDS (1999, wri/dir by Terence Malick, Fox, 170mns, 35MM)